Saturday, May 26, 2012


Rachel Pfeffer and Michael Andre by Rachel Pfeffer

Suddenly  at the University of Chicago I could no longer tolerate  literary criticism.  I had noticed that anthologies of poetry and anthologies of art criticism seemed to have the same authors--Ashbery, Benedikt, Schjeldahl, O’Hara, et cetera--and all these writers seemed to live in New York. So I transferred to Columbia and decided to interview poets for my dissertation. Why not? Sexual Politics by Kate Millet had been a Columbia dissertation -- and a cause celebre.
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Friday, May 18, 2012


                         (TORONTO POEM, FOR SHARON)
Lucky for you, you only have
A few more of the glazed lakefront
Unruffled skyline depictions to send

Faraway friends who can't wait
Home is another country you write to

And besides, notwithstanding
The memory, how much can you hope
To come back from, when it's been

Only me
      looking at you
And you
      looking so good

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